
I have created a couple of videos for Donna Eden's Energy Medicine site.  You can find them on YouTube.

My favorite is Donna Eden's Joy Challenge.  These are fun, easy movements to help shift your energies to a place a Joy.   It started as a 28 Day Challenge and in subsequent years, it's now a 10 Day Challenge.  For some reason, the video in the 28 Day Challenge is fuzzy, so please check out the 10 Day Challenge one instead.   The end of my video has outtakes.  The best part of creating Joy, eh?

The other video is from Donna Eden's Eye Challenge.   There are some useful tips for eye health.   It was a rush edit job and I was getting over bronchitis.  But it's a great reminder that these techniques can be used on our 4-legged friends, as well.  

Day 1 of all the challenges, starts with Donna.  I suggest you check hers out!  She's engaging and fun to watch.   After all... Donna is the OG!   Her daughters' videos are on  Day 2 & 3.  

I hope these inspire you to learn more.  There are hundreds of YouTube videos on Energy Medicine and you can learn a lot.  Donna's daughters have a Wednesday Energy Minute series, that give you quick, easy to use techniques for keeping your energies humming.   Prune Harris is a fabulous resource, with a lot of free online content.  

Explore the possibilities of self-care!  Enjoy your Joy!